Friday, July 2, 2010

The day in the life of the unemployed

I laughed when I looked in the mirror today...


Not having anywhere to go and the lack of two cars has equated to me at home most of the day. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Hamilton and I have become closer than ever, we're saving lots of money and I've memorized most of the names on the Ghana World Cup soccer team (Go Kwadwo Asamoah!!!).

The days have been a little slower, both in time and activity, but I'm trying to enjoy the time off as much as I can. It's tough...I don't think I will retire quietly 40 years from now. Besides maintaining a steady bank account, I just want to feel like I'm contributing to society and that I have a place in Boston. Don't get me wrong, I love it here! This city is vibrant and amazingly friendly. But that makes me want to be a part of it even more.

Enough of my pity party. My patience will grow (hopefully). The job will come. For now, I'm going to celebrate this nation's history right where it started: Boston. :)

**** Disclaimer to future employers: This is not my normal work appearance. I will not be wearing a beat up shirt nor will my hair be in tangles...not even on a Friday before a holiday weekend. Promise!

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, This is AbFab stuff!! It is very entertaining!! Your audience awaits your next deadline. Soon you will be geting paid again, don't worry. WBK
