Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Hamilton!

Hamilton turned the big 2 on Friday! We celebrated yesterday by giving him a whole can of soft food. He ate every bit of it in less than 5 minutes! After he finished his food he took a long nap and we didn't see much of him for the rest of the day. Here's some pics of our celebration.

Luke helps Hamilton blow out the candles

Hamilton enjoys his birthday!

Hamilton's birthday present. It is a little tube with crinkly stuff in it. He loves to bat at it, and obviously lounge in it :).

Hamilton and his friend

Our house has been the hub of kitty meetings for a few weeks now. Two or three other cats in the neighborhood visit our backyard every other day or so and Hamilton loves to watch them. He runs from room to room trying to keep an eye on the cats. And if the blinds are shut Hamilton will let us know that he wants to go in the window my scratching at the wall below it.

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