Monday, February 15, 2010


About a month ago, Luke and I spent a Saturday night at Fudruckers and Yogurtland. The similarity between the two places? We assembled the food ourselves. While it is nice having people make the food and prepare it for you at other restaurants, it was a good change of pace to decide exactly how we wanted our food to look and taste. We loved Yogurtland so much, we have made it almost a weekly occurrence. :)

Here's some of our creations:

Luke decides what he wants on his veggie burger at Fudruckers.

A cheeseburger, just how I like it (Little mustard, 3 pickles and LOTS of ketchup!!)

Yogurtland's yogurt machines. They usually have about 10-12 different flavors every day (and you can have as many free samples as you would like!)

I pick out some not-so-healthy toppings.

Luke went the healthier route with strawberries, Captain Crunch, granola, Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I, on the other hand, went with Oreos, chocolate chip cookie dough, sprinkles and caramel.

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