Saturday, May 8, 2010

Conaaaaaaan Ooooo'Briiiiieeeeennnnn!

Luke and I don't go to many shows..whether it is movies, theater, musicals. We love all of these and wish we could go to more, but I think the cost and timing of the events (Luke works nights) sometimes deters us from making those sorts of plans. But when we found out that Conan O'Brien was coming to Phoenix for the "Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television Tour," we had to go.

Since we don't get many Friday nights together, we decided to make a date out of it. Luke picked me up from work (yah for no rush hour traffic!) and we headed to Pita Jungle. We scarfed on hummus, sandwiches and lemonade. We got downtown early, so we parked at the Republic and made our way to Dodge Theater (about 10 blocks from Luke's work). When we go in the theater we grabbed a couple t-shirts before the crowds got too bad and bought a couple drinks and popcorn. Luke scored some awesome tickets...still not sure how we lucked out and we were dead center, 30 rows from the man himself.

Comedian/Musician/Who Knows What Reggie Watts opened the show with his multiple personalities and awesome songs featuring some loop pedal work. Luke was in awe. I liked his hair.

Then Conan O'Brien's band came out and got the crowd into it. La Bamba and many of the original members from Tonight Show Band were there. They sounded great and the horn player held a note for well over a minute..insane! Andy Richter was there, too and introduced Conan and the crowd gave him a standing ovation for a few minutes. His jokes were great! He poked A LOT of fun at NBC and made references to Leno a few times. Between jokes, Conan would play some songs with the band. I think my favorite was "I Will Survive" where he revised some of the lyrics to express some of his personal experiences. We could tell this tour was great therapy for him! :)

Conan performs a song early in the show

He can't dance, but he definitely does try!

The actual "Bat out of hell" from the Meatloaf tour

Andy, the infamous bear from the Late Night show and Conan

Conan wears some awesome outfits!

At the end of the show, Conan ran through the audience and right by us! Luke got to give him a pat on the back and, ahem, man-boob. Pretty awesome! :) Here is a video of Conan and the band performing "I Will Survive":

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