Sunday, May 30, 2010

Some wicked news!

Luke made his dream come true this month.

He got an e-mail from the design director at the Boston Globe last month asking if Luke would be interested in applying for the sports design supervisor position.

If you don't know much about Luke, here's a few major points:
• He is from Vermont
• He LOVES (x5) the Red Sox

...and most importantly:
• This has been his dream job since he started working in newspapers

So he turned in his resume and was asked to come to Boston for an interview. Luke and I headed to Boston a couple weeks ago and got acquainted with the city. Luke, of course, loved it. It took me a day or so to warm up to the big city life: subways, crowds, buildings, streets that are not on a perfect grid...these things take me a while to digest. By the second day I was getting my bearings (and shopping), so I was liking it a little more. :)

Luke came away from the interview feeling positive and knowing that he did his best. The rest was up to the Globe. That comforted us as we left Boston.

Then the waiting game started...It was painful. I've never seen Luke so anxious, even on our wedding day. I could tell just how much he wanted it, and I wanted it just as much for him. The days went by, and I remember telling Luke that the call would come when we weren't expecting it. And that's exactly what happened!

Luke found out today (a Sunday during a holiday weekend!) at 3 p.m. Luke got the job!

Words cannot describe just how proud I am of Luke. He has worked so hard and deserves this more than anyone. And I'm saying that with the least amount of bias that a wife could have. He has worked so hard to get to this place in his career. He is so genuine and has such a strong work ethic...he will do such a great job in Boston!

I will be posting a couple posts about our trip to Boston. For now, here are some photos of our trip

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