Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Boston: The Last Day

Luke and I work up early to get ready for our big days (his might have been a little more important (: ) and both headed out the door around 8 a.m. Luke took a cab to The Boston Globe and I dared to try the subway system by myself. I was glad to have a couple days training beforehand. Luke made it to The Globe in time for his interview and I made my way to the town of Quincy, just south of Boston.

On the subway, I got to experience the "rush hour" of the subway. Luckily, I was going outbound, so the people traffic wasn't as bad as the inbound line. Once out of the city, the subway comes above ground and I was able to catch a glimpse of the Globe. It definitely isn't as flossy as the Arizona Republic's building, but who doesn't love an old newsroom?

The Boston Globe

I met up with a rental broker at a house right across from the subway in Quincy. Turns out brokers are popular in that town, just like New York City. She was very nice, and even showed me a couple other places. Luke and I still can't get over just how expensive real estate is in Boston. We are used to rock bottom prices out here in Phoenix. Hopefully we can find a decent place at a decent price. Luckily, The Globe is awesome and is putting us up at a corporate rental for a month. That should give us a good amount of time to find the best neighborhood for us.

After looking at the rentals, I made my way along the Red Line to Cambridge and Harvard. This area is amazing...so much history, intellect and even shopping! Haha, I'm a sucker. I wandered around the shops for a bit (made sure to stop at Harvard Bookstore), grabbed some Subway and made my way to Harvard's quad. At the quad there are lots of colorful chairs to relax and mingle with students (and tourists). I felt like a fish out of water at this college (GO SIU! (; ), but I was thankful to at least look like I could be in college.

An entrance gate to Harvard.

The Quad, where I had lunch.

Harvard Library

I made my way around the college a little more and then it was time to head back into town to grab our luggage and make my way to the airport. Luke met me there right before they started to board. The planes were crowded, but on time. There was a dude on the plane that snored SO LOUD the whole way to Phoenix. People were a little annoyed at first, but half way through the flight, it was almost humorous. Thank goodness for IPods!


That's it for our short trip to Boston. I'm sure we will have more posts similar to these detailing more adventures in Boston. We can't wait to get there and do some exploring!

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