Monday, June 14, 2010

Phoenix Likes/Dislikes

There is so much we are going to miss about this city: the people, food, scenery. But lets face it, there are a few things we won't be missing, too. The next few posts will run through a some of our likes and dislikes of the Wild, Wild West!


Like: Mild Temperatures
It is definitely a love-hate relationship when it comes to the temperature out here. From October-May the temperatures are usually the best you will find in any of the country (minus Hawaii and San Diego). Winters have been such a breeze these past few years...Santa can wear his shorts and sandels when he gets to this part of the country!

Dislike: Summer
Late May-Early October it is sweltering hot. My wedding ring doesn't even fit right now because my fingers get so bloated from trying to retain as much water as possible. It feels like a bathroom hand dryer is blowing all over you. I get a nice tan just walking from my car to my office building.

Like: Thunderstorms
Thunderstorms out here are nothing short of amazing. There aren't many, but when they make their way through the Valley, the lightening is second to none! My theory is that many of the storms don't make it through the area because we are in a Valley. But the ones that do make it through have to be very strong, so when the storms come through they are the strongest you will find.

Dislike: Dust Storms

A dust storm comes into town over by Chase Field

We just got caught in one of these on our walk yesterday. Dust storms, or haboobs (giggle), usually come right before a thunderstorm and can be very dangerous. They also create a nice coat of dust on your car or anything you may have left outside.

Love: Sunsets
Sunsets out here are a photographers dream. With the big sky, mountains and a touch of pollution, the colors are radiant.
A December sunset in 2008. This photo was not retouched in any way...the colors are 100% real!

A sunset right before a storm at our house.

Dad watches the sunset at the Grand Canyon

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