Sunday, November 22, 2009

Coming up for air

Sorry it has been a while since we have blogged. It seems like life has been in "fast-forward mode" for the past couple months. Luckily, we have adjusted and can now start to relax (kinda (; )

My new job at American & Western Art Collector magazines has been going well! The job isn't as fast-paced compared to working at the Republic. I only have a monthly deadline to work toward. Right now, we are getting into that "deadline" crunch, so this week will seem a lot like working at the newspaper. I'm just thankful for having the experience of being under deadline pressure. It has made the transition from newspapers to magazines fairly smooth.

The distance from our house to Scottsdale is quite long. At least an hour to and from work...and coming home from work can easily be over an hour. That made us consider moving back to the east valley sooner than we had planned. However, I found an awesome co-worker at the magazine who takes the same route to work as I do, so we carpool every day that we can and are able to use the carpool lanes to and from work. This cuts our travel time in half, while saving gas at the same time! Our landlords, who have been the best we think anyone could ever have, offered to reduce our rent amount if we stayed a little longer, as well. So, we are staying until spring time, when we hope to start looking for a house to buy! The first time homebuyer rebate has been extended, so we are planning on cashing in on that before it ends, as long as our jobs are going well.

Right now, Luke and I have different weekends: I have Saturday and Sunday and he has Monday and Tuesday. But last week, we found out that his boss (who is AMAZING...and I'm not just saying that because he did this for us!) found a way to get Luke on a Monday-Friday schedule. So in a couple weeks, we will have weekends off together. We cannot wait! It seems like one of us is always leaving. But Hamilton has definitely enjoyed the 24-7 company!

We are so grateful that things are falling into place. We were a tad nervous after I started the job since we have not seen each other as much as we had in the past. It was a tough adjustment, but we're thankful it is temporary. With both of us off on "normal" weekends, we are looking forward to going to more concerts, festivals and maybe watching Sunday football. Maybe ;)

1 comment:

  1. Jenn! It's good to hear that things are going well for you guys! Just saw your gorgeous wedding photos. Looks like you had an awesome wedding.

    Merry Christmas to you both! =)

