Friday, November 27, 2009

A pretty bright "Black Friday"

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying all of the leftovers :) We spent the holiday over at my cousin's husband's grandparents house. The food was amazing, and we have almost 2 full pies to remember the day by. If anyone needs pumpkin or cherry pie, let us know!

I was going back and forth on whether or not I would go shopping this morning. But when I woke up at 6 a.m., I figured I would go check it out. I got to Target at 6:30 a.m. and it really wasn't too bad. There is a Target not too far from our house that many people don't know about (It isn't even on the 'store locator' map on I found a lot of good deals, like a 6-piece luggage set for $35 and some other goodies that I got for Luke. According to my receipt, I saved $99.99 and I got a $10 gift card. Not too shabby! I decided to push my luck later on and Luke and I went to Kohls. It wasn't crowded in the store, but the lines were insane! We would have been in line for over an hour, at least, so we decided to put back the few items we had and head back home.

In other news, Luke has this Sunday off!! We are so happy to finally have a day off together :) I think it has been about a month that we have gone without one of us working that day. We will be putting up the Christmas tree and decorations and hopefully go out for a nice dinner.

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