Thursday, April 1, 2010

Disney World: Day 1-2

The French Family made their yearly pilgrimage to Disney World about a month ago. Dad has a time share through Disney, so we get some good rooms and good deals. Dad and the girls left Bloomington on Friday morning, while Luke and I took a red-eye to Charlotte and then an early morning flight to Orlando. We thought the red-eye would be a good idea: get to Disney early and sleep the whole way there. That didn't happen. Luckily, we had some adrenaline and excitement to help us get through the first day.

We started our trip at the airport with a little drink. Luke had a huge beer and I had a very expensive/not too strong rum and coke.

A big beer and overpriced run and coke at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport

The flight was on time, and we landed in Charlotte around 5:30 a.m. We had a little over an hour to stretch our legs and grab some breakfast. It was kinda weird eating breakfast at what would normally be 3 a.m. in Phoenix, but it helped us get used to the new time zone.

Luke takes a break at the Charlotte Airport

We arrived in Orlando around 9:00 a.m. and hopped onto the Disney Magical Express. This is one of the perks I love about staying on the Disney resort. Disney picks up all the guests staying on the resort from the airport and takes them to their rooms free of charge. To sweeten the deal, they also pick up the luggage for us and bring it right to our rooms. I can't think of a better way to start a vacation.

We made it!

Dad and the girls were waiting at the bus depot at Old Key West Resort. We scoped out our room and then headed to Downtown Disney to grab some lunch and do a little shopping. We ate at the Earl of Sandwhich and had one of the best sandwiches ever. The line at this place goes for miles, but it is really worth it!

After lunch, Lexi got sick with the flu :( So we took it easy and waited to see if Lexi's sickness would pass. It didn't, and Lexi ended up getting sick before our meal at the Turf Club at Saratoga Springs. Luke, Amanda and I went to dinner, while a very nice Disney employee took Dad, Kathy and Lexi back to Old Key West. We were so grateful for that employee...Lexi was looking pretty green around then. Luckily, Sunday was another rest day, so she would have another full day to get better.

The kids on the Disney bus to Downtown Disney

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