Friday, April 30, 2010

Parents come to town: Part II

The family at Macaroni Grill for lunch

On Sunday we took the parents to our church in Litchfield Park. They got to see Luke play in the church band at the contemporary service and we got to meet up with my cousin, Sarah and her son, Nathan. After church we went to the Macaroni Grill for some delicious lunch (that bread is addicting!)

The rest of the day was spent at the house relaxing and catching up. We hadn't seen them since the wedding, so we had a lot to talk about. And it was so nice to hear stories about when Bill and Kate were our age and how they got to where they are now. So much wisdom and experience! To keep the relaxing feel to the day going, we grilled out on our teeeeeeeny tiny grill. I unfortunately didn't take any photos...we were too busy talking and cooking. But believe me, the food was good! The Grillmen did an excellent job and Kate and I did a good job preparing the food :)

The next morning I unfortunately had to go to work :( But Luke took the day off so he could spend some more time with the parents. They first headed up to Cave Creek and did some shopping and sightseeing.

Luke and Bill do some sight seeing in Cave Creek, AZ

From there, they headed to the Desert Botanical Gardens. It is wildflower season, so they got to see the gardens in full bloom. And while I was at work, I got this little photo on my phone:

Luke and the parents at the Desert Botanical Garden.
I seriously almost cried when I got this...I almost got up and headed to the botanical garden, too :)

The headed over to Scottsdale after to take a walk around the library, Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts and the Scottsdale Mall (not the actual mall). We met over by the big LOVE sculpture and couldn't resist taking some photos!

The LOVE statue at Scottsdale Mall

Then it was time for some food! We had planned on going to Sam's Cafe at the Biltmore Fashion Park, but when we got there we found out that they had shut down. So we walked around and ran into True Food Kitchen. They use local, in-season, healthy foods to make delicious drinks and meals. We got so much food, so much was amazing...I will let the photos do the talking:
The guy at the bottom right is the famous chef, Andrew Weil. He was giving a demonstration to a lucky group at the restaurant while we were there.

We had a great time with Kate and Bill...we only wished that they were here a little longer! But we can't wait to visit them in December!! :)

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