Saturday, April 3, 2010

Disney World: Day 4

On Monday, we headed to Magic Kingdom. We have been here so many times, but it never gets old. Walking through the turnstiles, hearing the music and seeing all the colors and happy faces makes me feel like I'm 5-years-old all over again.

Luke and I were able to get a free day at the park this year by participating in Disney's "Give a Day, Get a Day" program. Back in February, we went to ASU and helped high school students sign up for scholarships and summer camp programs. We had a blast, and it has even encouraged us to do more volunteerism.

We started the day by taking some quick pictures of us and the castle. One of the Disney photographers even helped us take some pictures and gave us a couple tips (Get everyone in the picture, and a little bit of sky). We then headed over to Space Mountain and only waited for about 5 minutes to get on the ride. After a quick ride on the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin, we wanted to get Luke on some rides he has never been on: the Tommorwland Speedway and the Teacups. We were hoping to get him on the Dumbo ride, but he said he would save that ride for when we have kids..haha!

Lexi fulfilling her sister-in-law duties by driving Luke nuts

Lexi and Luke on the teacups

After a few more rides (Haunted Mansion and Big Thunder Mountain Roller Coaster), we headed to Main Street U.S.A. to do a little shopping and wait for the afternoon parade.

This is just ridiculous...

Luke and I before the afternoon parade

We did a little more shopping and then it was time to head over to the Contemporary Resort for the character dinner at Chef Mickey's. This is a great time to see all our favorite characters (minus the enormous lines that you would find at the park) and have some good food..the mac n' cheese gets me every time...seriously I'm 5-years-old there.

Dad and Kathy with Pluto at the Disney Character Dinner at the Contemporary Resort.

After dinner it was time to go back to the resort and digest. Luke and I (and a last minute addition) had to wake up early the next morning to go to Animal Kingdom.

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