Sunday, August 8, 2010

4th of July...kinda late, I know

Sooo....yeah. Sorry I haven't blogged lately. Most of my writing-power has gone toward the ole resume and cover letters. I don't even want to start counting how many places I've applied to.

Enough of that, though. Here is what Luke and I did on the 4th of July!

We decided to spend the day walking around downtown Boston. It was kinda crazy, but we figured we would do this to say that we had done it, in case we didn't want to do it again. To make the day more fun, we met up with our new friends, Carrie and Martin. Martin just started his job as a features editor at the Globe and Carrie is looking for a graphic design job, like me. Needless to say, we have become great friends and love hanging out together!

Kids playing in the Frog Pond at Boston Common

We met up over by the Charles Bridge and went to a cute (teenytiny) Thai place for dinner and then headed over to the bridge to secure a spot to watch the fireworks. The crowds had already gathered by the time we arrived (about 2 hours before the fireworks) but we found a good spot and hung out until the show started.

Here are some pics of the night:

The sky put on its own fireworks show

Red line approaches Charles MGH Station


Some bombs bursting in air

After the fireworks, the time we had dreaded had arrived: trying to get the heck out of the city. Many of the roads were closed and the cabs were full of people. So after meandering around Cambridge trying to figure out what to do, we said "goodbye" to Carrie and Martin and waited in the awful long line for the subway. Thankfully, this ride was free.

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