Sunday, August 15, 2010

The New England Aquarium

About a month ago, Luke and I made our way to the New England Aquarium over by Boston Harbor and the North End. Our friends, Carrie and Martin just got year-round passes to the aquarium and highly recommended it...especially for penguin lovers, like myself.

The aquarium's centerpiece is a massive cylinder going up about three stories. The tank is full of fish of all sizes, stingrays, starfish, two huge turtles and various sharks.

The huge cylinder tank

The penguins were by far the show-stoppers of the aquarium! They had Rockhoppers, African and Little Blue penguins in a pond that took up most of the first floor.


While we were there, we got to see them eat lunch and it was very cool how they were fed. The penguins would actually line up! Many of the penguins have grown up since babies at the aquarium, so they were taught at an early age how to get in the box and wait. But some were still working on their patience, and budged in line. It was so cute to watch and see how each penguin had their own personality.

Some African Penguins line up to eat

A Rockhopper and African Penguin hang out after lunch

We also got to see Northern Fur and Atlantic Harbor Seals. These guys put on a little show for spectators and showed off their new tricks like bouncing balls off their noses and bringing back toys.

The seals!

The aquarium was so much fun and we will definitely be visiting those penguins again real soon!

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