Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jennifer's Trip Home: Part 2

After shopping, Lexi had to make a quick stop at the orthodontist to get her rubber bands replaced. I think she chose hot pink and purple for her new colors.

Lexi gets her rubber bands replaced at the orthodontist

For dinner, we went over to Mom's place, where she cooked my favorite meal: salmon patties, cheesey rice and blueberry muffins. Mom also made a mint cake for my birthday. My family can't get enough of mint cake :)

The mint cake, with only 1/3 of the years represented

The party-goers...

We're the three best friends that anyone can have!

Amanda and the newest addition to the family, Bristol. She gives hugs!

By Wednesday, I was exhausted. We took it easy until the afternoon, when it was time to head to Peoria for a Chiefs game. We ate at Joe's Crab Shack and then got stuck in the restaurant after a huge storm hit the town. The game started about an hour late, but it was a lot of fun. Nothing says "Illinois" more than a "Farmer Night" and dancing corn stalks. We left the game a little early--everyone was so tired and we had to get up early (2 a.m.!!) to get me back up to Chicago for an early morning flight.

It's kinda hard to tell, but there are two corn mascots dancing after one of the Peoria Cheifs hit a home run.

It was nice to see the family...but now I'm trying to convince them to get out to Boston before the summer and fall ends! :)

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