Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jennifer's Trip Home: Part 1

I decided to take a quick trip back to Illinois last month, since, ya know, I had nothing else better to do :) It was a good excuse to head back, and after I eventually get a job, I probably won't be able to take any days off for 3 months.

I got in on a Saturday morning and went to Alexis' in-town softball tournament and immediately got an amazing sunburn. I'm still peeling. Mom took Lexi and I to my favorite pizza restaurant, Monical's and then we went shopping. Mom bought me some cute booties for wintertime and Lexi got me some Sillybandz for my birthday!

Lexi and I's Sillybandz!

Lexi and her pet guinea pig, Sheeba

On Sunday, Lexi, mom and I went to Mom's church and then Dad, Lexi and I went to the softball field to teach Lexi some softball situations. Dad cooked some hamburgers and Lexi and I walked Amanda's new puppy, Piper.

On Monday, Dad, Lexi and I went to Decatur to see Grandma and Grandpa French, Grandma Crose and Aunt Becky. We met Grandma and Grandpa French and Hometown Buffet and then went over to their house to pick some tomatoes. Grandpa gave me a shoebox full of tomatoes to take back to Boston...boy was that fun hauling around two airports, a subway and bus! :) But they were delicious and worth the trouble. After we visited Grandma and Grandpa, we headed over to Grandma Crose's apartment to meet up with her and Aunt Becky. We went over to one of the Crose Family's favorite restaurants, Ted's Garage, for dinner.

Lexi and Grandpa pick some huge tomatoes in his garden

Grandma, Aunt Becky at I at Ted's Garage

Tuesday was full of shopping! Lexi, Amanda and I went to grab Dad's present, visited Mom at work, went to Noodles for lunch and then back to the mall. Amanda got me some snow boots...Bloomington had some good deals on footwear, I guess!

Lexi tries on shoes in Sears and gives her best "Beyonce pose"

More on the trip in the next post...

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